Health &
For CHA, improving the health of women, children and men is critical part of our mission. Our aim is to improve the health and nutritional status, especially for vulnerable groups like women and children. We focus on the prevention and treatment people of concern particularly women and children through provision of primary and secondary health and nutrition services, bolstering capacity of health workers and promotion of environmental hygiene and sanitation in Afghanistan. Our objectives are aligned with Afghanistan National Development Strategies (ANDS). CHA improves women and children health by focusing on:
We involve communities, community health shura, community development council and health workers to promote maternal and child health, promote healthy behaviors and practices within communities and ensure that every woman has access to the information she needs, antenatal care, delivery, post-natal care for her baby and care for herself and her children.
CHA since 1999 have been providing health services to people in hard to reach and remote areas, contribute to increase coverage and access to quality health care services and supporting health system in Afghanistan. CHA addition to other projects implementing BPHS, EPHS projects in different provinces and providing health services in below sections according to MoPH guidelines.
Maternal and Newborn Care, Child Health and Immunization, Public Nutrition, Communicable Disease Treatment, Mental Health, Disability and Physical, Regular Supply of Essential Drugs
In order to provide quality health and nutrition services, the health workers frequently provided with required capacity building programs. conducting of professional trainings, coaching and ongoing on job support. Through capacity-building programs first line health workers knowledge increased, improve skill and exchange experiences.
CHA focus on the behavioral changes to ensure real sustainable improvement through Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) innovative approach implementation in different provinces. Through this initiative approach mobilized communities to completely eliminate open defecation (OD). Communities are facilitated to conduct their own appraisal and analysis of open defecation (OD) and take action to become Open Defecation Free (ODF).